Interface Analysis, Design & Development

Think of all the data that your agency sends to and receives from other agencies. It’s vital that systems exchange data with other systems via interfaces as smoothly and effectively as possible. These interfaces can be extensive, containing millions of records and both importing and exporting data.

Ensuring that the right data is exchanged, in the right way, makes a critical difference in a system’s reliability—and on your agency’s reputation. Your agency needs to work with partners who can bring extensive, detailed interface expertise to the table.

Auctor currently supports clients who have 25 to 30 interfaces between the client system and other agencies, plus external federal and other state systems. So we bring expert capabilities with many interfaces. We can:

  • create file layouts,
  • negotiate data to send or not send,
  • determine the data that’s returned,
  • plan for maintenance of different types of data,
  • work with and understand specific data exchange standards such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model).


“For one project, we created the file layout and negotiated:

  • what data was sent (or not sent),
  • what data was returned,
  • how to maintain records and types of cases (federal or local).
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